This city was founded in 600 B C, the city of Tomis went along history under Goth, Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Bulgarian, Romanian and Ottoman rule. Each of these culture left marks in the developing of the city, known nowadays as a major harbour to the Black Sea. More about Constanta here
We visited the city and some of the museums this summer. We started with the mosque, since it is the only local cultural element which reminds us of Asia and, why not, India. On the wall in the right side there was a strange thing happening. Due to humidity, the dampness of the wall created there a face. a portrait. we could identify it with the one of socrates, as it appears in sculptures.
We visited also the Catholic church, which had a swastika on the tower.
Just as this city should look like, generally
We loved the mosaics from the museum that seem to be an ancient Roman bath. It reminded me of the Mosaic Museum in Istanbul.
The Hamangia Thinker, 5th millennium BC
We also visited the History museum and his temporary exhibition. We met the Thracian Cavalier, Cybele goddess (Greek-Roman Durga), or Greek Hecate triformis, which reminded us more about Hindu deities, with the 6 hands full of weapons.
The Thracian rider
The most impressive meeting was with the Glycon Snake, deity of Macedonian origin which represents the Kundalini energy.
More about it here.
The statue of Ovidius in the market was waiting for us.
So, you are most welcome to Romania to visit these treasures, and also take a bath in the wonderful Black Sea.